What is Consulate Jurisdiction while applying for visa?
A : The jurisdictional limits defined by consulates are as per the geographical area where consulates responsibility is divided to issue visas pertaining to applicant’s residence in the respective areas.
Some consulates have strict enforcement of jurisdiction for all visa categories, some consulates’ jurisdiction is limited to certain types of visas and others do not have any jurisdictional limits.

What is the difference between visa validity and visa duration?
A : Validity defines the period of expiry of travel document whereas duration is the maximum stay allowed in a country during the visa validity period.

Do I need to send in my passport to apply for visa?
A : Yes, a passport is required to get the visa as visa is stamped on one of the blank visa pages.

Even after my application is submitted as per the embassy requirements, can the consulate still ask additional documents?
A : Yes. Consulate / Embassy can ask for additional documents based on specific visa application.

Is personal appearance required?
A : Personal appearance means when applicant is required to appear in person at the consulate for applying visa. In such case, third parties (like alhind tours ) are not permitted to submit the application on applicant’s behalf however there are some consulates which allow third parties to collect the passport after the visa process is completed. There are certain embassies where bio-metrics is required. In such cases applicant has to appear personally.

What should be my passport validity when I apply for visa?
A : In most countries your passport should be valid for minimum 6 months from your scheduled date of return

What should be ensured for photographs submitted for applying visa?
A : Photographs should be as per specification of the country
Photo should not be used in previous visa
Non scanned photo
Should not be stapled
Should be identical Face and features should be clearly visible.

When should I provide Yellow Fever Certificate?
A : Yellow fever certificate is required for travelers traveling to African and American countries.
African Countries which require Yellow Fever Certificate:- Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
American Countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.
Caribbean: Trinidad and Tobago.

I have run out of blank visa pages on my passport, but it does not Pexpire for another two years. Do I need to get a new passport?
A : Yes you need to apply for a new passport.

Do I have to fill up visa application forms?
A : Only fully-completed application forms will be accepted by the Consular authority at the Embassy’s counter. Blank or half-filled applications will bereturned.
Please note: The signature should be same as on your passport

Which Bank Statement should I provide for visa processing?
A : It is advised to provide the salary account Bank Statement update for last 06 months.

Once visa is obtained do I need to carry any additional document at the time of travel?
A : Yesit is advisable to carry the below mentioned
. Copy o finvite
. Overseas Medical Insurance
. Foreign Exchange / Credit Card
. Confirmed return Ticket